Put aside all the questions of Constitutionality and all the election year angst and see ObamaCare for what it is... another taxpayer funded bailout.
The Baby Boomers who have been paying health insurance premiums for the last 30 years for themselves and their families are leaving the system rapidly. Primarily they are all going to Medicare and that leaves a HUGE hole in the future premiums for United HealthCare, Aetna, Cigna, Humana and so on. Generation X is a relatively small cohort thanks, in part, to the rise of "family planning services". There aren't enough of us GenXers to replace the massive cohort of Boomers leaving the private insurance market. So the only way to patch up the future balance sheets of all the insurers is to force the young, single and healthy to buy premiums. This is just another taxpayer funded bailout being passed on to younger generations to make up for the Boomers getting older and dying.
Everyone cheering the the ruling today on grounds of "fairness" or "compassion" or some such "liberal" trope are just deluded dupes cheering on greater corporate profits at the taxpayers expense. ObamaCare is to the health insurance industry what TARP was to Wall St. The difference is that ObamaCare is like TARP being repeated every year indefinitely.
So congratulations to the all the "liberals" out there. You are cheering for the corporatism you no doubt decry. You are celebrating the triumph of corporate profits and fascism.